Committed to highest business ethics and transparency

Reporting missconduct

Our whistleblowing service provides a confidential platform for reporting suspicions of misconduct, enabling us to detect and address potential issues at an early stage.

Who Can Report?

We welcome reports of misconduct from all individuals associated with Tawi, including employees, contractors, suppliers, customers, volunteers, and trainees. Individuals associated with Tawi and acquired information about misconduct during their time with us are also encouraged to report.

What Can Be Reported?

The whistleblowing service can be used to report work-related misconduct that is of public interest. This includes serious misconduct such as criminal offences, breaches of laws and regulations, corruption, risks to health and safety, environmental violations, and privacy breaches.

Reporting individuals do not need to have firm evidence but should have reasonable grounds to believe that the reported misconduct is true at the time of submitting the report.

How to Report?

There are several ways to raise a concern:

  • Contact a supervisor or manager within our organization.
  • Report anonymously or confidentially through our whistleblowing reporting channel.
  • For concerns related to a legal entity within the European Union, reports can also be made through external channels maintained by competent authorities in each EU country.
  • All reports received will be handled confidentially, and an independent service provider will administer the whistleblowing reporting channel. All messages are encrypted to ensure anonymity, and metadata, including IP addresses, is deleted.

After Submitting a Report

Upon receiving a report, the whistleblowing team will acknowledge receipt within seven days. The team will assess whether the report concerns work-related misconduct of public interest. If affirmative, appropriate measures for investigation will be taken.

All whistleblowing matters are treated seriously, and the reporting individual will receive feedback on the follow-up of the report within three months of acknowledgement.

Protection and Privacy

Piab Lifting Automation does not tolerate any actions seeking to hinder a person from reporting misconduct. No reporting individual will be subject to reprisals due to a submitted report.

Personal data is only processed if necessary for the investigation and in accordance with laws and regulations. Access to personal data is limited to authorized individuals, and data will not be kept longer than necessary.

Piab Lifting Automation’s whistleblowing application is managed by an external service provider responsible for processing encrypted data.

Report the misconduct here.

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