lifting metal profiles with wire hoist



选择您想要 搬运的产品
lifting metal profiles with wire hoist man using wire hoist to lift chassis lifting boxes using easygrip tool on wire hoist lifting boxes from pallet using wire hoist with easygrip wire rope hoist lifting containers man lifting multiple containers with wire hoist Hand control on TAWI wire hoist wire hoist with crate tool lifting crate with wire hoist gripping roll from the core with coregripper tool lifting rolls from pallet with coregripper tool on wire hoist lifting rolls from the core with coregripper tool on wire hoist hand control on TAWI wire hoist man lifting burlap sack with hoist lifter hoist lift for jute bags man lifting jute sack with wire hoist



  • 搬运重量:<120 kg
  • 搬运速度: <0.75 m/s
  • 电源: 230 V +/-10%
  • 搬运高度: 2000 mm
  • 速度控制:可变
  • 频率:47-63 Hz




  • 从中间或外部夹住卷轴
  • 倾斜或旋转到需要的位置
  • 极其精确的可变速度控制
  • 符合人体工程学,人性化操作让每个人都可轻松搬运
  • 舒适的操纵杆手柄,便于单手控制
  • 搬运灌装货组提高效率
  • 丰富配件工具适用于各种形状和尺寸的货物
  • 定制配件用于称重货物
  • 不留任何痕迹地搬运麻袋货物
  • 丰富配件用于处理各种类型的编织袋
  • 您倾倒编织袋内货物的时候,工具可稳定抓住编织袋
  • 工具可适配盒装货物
  • 工具可抓紧各种零部件
  • 单双手都可控制货物搬运



  • 信息
    搬运重量60 kg
    搬运速度0.75 m/s
    电源230 V +/110%
    搬运高度2000 mm
    频率47-63 Hz
  • 媒体
    wire hoist with crate tool
  • 信息
    搬运重量120 kg
    搬运速度0.35 m/s
    电源230 V +/110%
    搬运高度2000 mm
    频率47-63 Hz
  • 媒体
    lifting boxes using easygrip tool on wire hoist
    High speed hoist

Wire hoist for efficient and safe lifting

Whether you need to use the hoist with a hook, gripper or vacuum tool, we have a most efficient rope hoist for your needs.

TAWI Wire hoist is not only one of the world’s fastest wire hoists, it is also very easy to install and requires little maintenance. Reliable equipment that offers great flexibility and easy handling of all types of loads. With a low cost of ownership and low energy consumption, our wire hoist is a most cost-efficient choice for sustainable and efficient lifting.

Ergonomic handles adaptable to your needs provide comfort, ease and smooth movement. The hoist is so easy to control, everyone will learn to use it in no time. A quick coupling enables great flexibility, allowing you to use any tool on the same hoist. Choose between a selection of hook tools, clamp tools or grippers, adaptable to meet your every need. Pick up goods from all angles, turn, tilt or rotate the load with great precision and place it safely, exactly where you need it. Variable speed control allows you to choose exactly how fast or slow to move at any point, ensuring safe and precise lifting at all times.

This flexible wire rope hoist is available in two models; one for quick lifting, handling up to 60 kilos at 0.75 m/s, and one for heavier lifting, handling up to 120 kilos at 0.35 m/s. Both models can be equipped with various tools for handling anything from reels to car parts and batteries. Efficient and ergonomic lifting for everyone, every day.


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