Lifting Solutions for the Pharma Industry

Biotech employee

Pharma manufacturing: main challenges and potential solutions

Pharma manufacturing is complex and sometimes hazardous industry. The manufacturing process demands precise, safe and hygienic lifting at the weighing, processing and packaging stages. Our customized lifting solutions can address the main challenges in the industry like improving productivity plus large health and safety benefits.

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Man Lifting and moving plastic roll with lifting trolley

Lifting Trolley: 7 advantages of using trolleys for material handling

A lifting trolley come in many shapes and sizes and can be adapted to transport just about anything. In industrial and manufacturing facilities, a mobile electric lifting trolley is particularly useful. With a compact and lightweight design, they are easy to move around and use when space is limited. By using a lifting trolley, you can avoid many of the risky movements associated with manual handling.

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Cleanroom Lifting Equipment: How to pick the right solutions for a clean room

Finding efficient and reliable cleanroom lifting equipment can be a challenge. Clean room lifting solutions include devices such as vacuum lifters, cranes, hoists and trolleys. Clean room equipment must not only meet strict requirements. Additionally, they should meet your specific business requirements in terms of lifting capacity, ergonomics, and usability.

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Woman manually lifting three boxes in sensitive environment

Hazardous manual handling (risk assessment + preventions)

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) caused by manual handling are among the most frequently reported causes of lost or restricted work time. By doing a risk assessment at your workplace, active preventions can be taken to avoid MSDs. Ergonomic lifting equipment can help prevent injuries and improve worker productivity. It is often cost-effective to use this type of equipment, and it can provide additional benefits beyond reducing manual handling risks.

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Please specify what you want to lift with measures and weight, size of working area, and lifting height to get as accurate a quote as possible.

Are you unsure?
Call us at +46 300 185 00 (8am-5pm, GMT+1) for advice

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