Lift kegs of different sizes, tilt them to empty the contents or simply transport your kegs with ease. We have the drum lifter you need.
The TAWI drum lifter comes in different shapes and sizes based on the unique situation of each business. We can help you lift drums safely and efficiently.
We have drum lifters for small buckets, beer kegs and large oil drums. Smaller tubs or buckets are often lifted with a vacuum. Depending on which suction foot you use, TAWI vacuum lifters can lift single kegs or multiple kegs at once. A vacuum lifter is easy to use and gives the operator full control over the load. Barrels, buckets or kegs can be easily lifted and moved with just one hand.
When it comes to handling large drums or barrels, you have a wide range of choices. Our vacuum lifters grip from above or from the side and can effortlessly lift drums weighing up to 270 kg. If you grab barrels from the side, you can also rotate the load. Your drum lifter can be modified with various special solutions to meet your specific needs. For example a built-in scale for weighing the keg or keg, stainless steel tools for easy cleaning and much more.
The TAWI pallet trucks offer a range of solutions for lifting and moving barrels, kegs and buckets. The jacks grab the drums from the side and you can then manually or electrically tilt or rotate the load. A portable lifter also gives you the flexibility to transport the kegs anywhere you need them. The trolley is easy to drive, with ergonomic handles shaped to ensure a good working position, regardless of the operator’s height.
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